Your Primary Care Doctor Ensures Continuity of Care. The main reason to see your primary care doctor for urgent care is that this will help ensure continuity of care. When you go to urgent care for treatment, the information about the injury or illness and any treatments received may or may not be communicated properly to your primary care doctor. This may make your medical records incomplete, and it may make it harder for you to receive appropriate follow-up care. An urgent care doctor may recommend important follow-up care or tests, but if you do not follow-up with your primary care doctor, you may not receive the recommended care you may require. Although, if you work with your primary care doctor, your doctor will know about the need for follow-up.
You may also forget to inform the urgent care doctors about important aspects of your medical history. This may make it difficult for the urgent care doctors to give you the best care possible. However, your primary care doctor already has access to all your medical history and can make informed decisions about the proper care for you.
Urgent care is preferred for many health situations that are a cause for concern but do not seem to be life-threatening. Common situations include: