Clinical Trials


Clinical Trial Opportunities

If you are interested in our clinical trials, please contact Ken Dole at 303-703-8583, ext. 122 or email him at

At Colorado Primary Health Care, our primary care physicians offer a full range of family medicine and primary care services in Littleton, CO. We are dedicated to your well-being and providing the latest advances in medical science. Our team works to provide clinical trial opportunities to our patients whenever possible.

How the Clinic Trial Process Works

  • First, we will qualify you to ensure you are a good fit. Next, we will provide you with the trial start date.
  • As part of the clinical study process, you will be asked to provide some background health information, including past diagnostic tests, lab results, and potentially a DNA test.
  • You will be required to attend regular check-ins as part of the trial. The frequency of the check-ins will vary according to the specific study but can range from daily, weekly, or monthly.
  • The average clinical trial length is between four and six months.
  • To learn more about clinical studies, regulations, and safeguards, along with how participants are protected, visit  ClinicalTrials.Gov.

Potential Benefits

Patients who take part in a clinical trial may have the opportunity to receive a new type of medicine or treatment option which may improve their health, and that is only available to patients who join the trial. Participants in clinical research have the opportunity to be a part of history in aiding to find better ways of preventing and treating illnesses in the future.

What Outcome Can I Expect

Researchers hope that the new treatments provided during clinical trials will be better than the existing ones, but there is always the chance they will not work as expected. No one can tell you with certainty how a research study will affect you. Even if the trial does not help you directly, your participation may provide valuable information that will help others in the future.

Understanding Potential Risks

It is important to understand that along with potential benefits; there are also potential risks associated with participating in any clinical research study. Clinical trials may not work for every patient, and while in a clinical study, patients may have side effects. Many side effects go away after treatment ceases, but side effects can be severe in some cases.

Deciding whether to take part in a research study is a very personal decision, and it is best to seek the input of your family and primary care provider.

What Our Patients Say.

Become a Patient Today!

  • Pay less than urgent care
  • See the same provider every time for more continuity
  • Enjoy better communication with an ally in your health
  • Avoid future health problems with preventative care
  • Take advantage of the convenience of a wide variety of services
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